Monday, October 22, 2012

Marble fish

For this fun activity with an exciting result you will need:
1 cup of Hot Water
1 Tablespoon of Vinegar
1 tablespoon of Oil (we used olive oil)
Food coloring
Cookie sheet 
Measuring cup and spoon
White construction paper

First, pour water onto the cookie sheet and then add oil and vinegar.

Next put in few drops of red food coloring and gently mix.

When we were done mixing it all together, we had the kids dip the paper fish into the solution (you can cut out any shape that works for you). They were so excited to see what will happen!

Doesn't this look cool? The kids LOVED the result!

Actually they loved it so much that they wanted to try different shape and color of the construction paper. And how did that work? Let me tell you, be glad that we tried it for you - the paper needs to be white, otherwise the result is not as clear and exciting! So the yellow star didn't show any results.

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